EC sets Sepa migration deadlines

If you read our June 2010 post about Sepa migration deadlines Just a week after the EC and ECB hosted the first meeting of the Sepa Council… you’ll be very interested in new details as we have fresh news on Finextra:

The European Commission has finally set out its proposals for EU-wide end-dates for the migration of national credit transfers and direct debits to Single Euro Payments Area (Sepa) instruments.


See the news on Finextra (16 December 2010) or read it here:

The move means that, once the regulation comes into force, national credit transfers will be replaced by the pan European Sepa SCT within 12 months, with direct debits following after another year.The proposal now passes to the European Parliament and the member states for consideration.The EC says it has moved to enforce the move because self-regulation has failed.


According to available European Central Bank data, as of October, only 9.6% of all credit transfers in the euro area were executed using a pan-European payment instrument. If this trend continues, it will take 25 years for the full benefits of the Sepa to be felt.


To ensure interoperability, the use of certain common standards and technical requirements such as the use of international bank account numbers (Iban), bank identifier codes (Bic) and a financial services messaging standard (ISO 20022 XML) will be mandatory for all bank account payments in euro in the EU.


Internal market and services commissioner Michel Barnier says: “We have a Single Market, many countries share a single currency and soon we will move to a single pan-European payment system in Europe. It means that making payments cross-border will become as easy as making them at home. Consumers will only need one bank account and their payments will be faster, cheaper and safer. Businesses will benefit from one set of standards and much simpler processes. The proposal adopted today fixes end-dates to make this pan-European system a reality, hopefully as early as 2012.”


The European Central Bank’s Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell – who has long called for a deadline – told the Financial Times that she “very much welcomed” the EC proposal.


Last month the European Payments Council warned that the EC will “effectively derail the entire Sepa project” if regulatory intervention on migration end dates does not include deadlines for phasing out national schemes.

Using Allevo qPayIntegrator, Musoni gets full control over its business flows

Allevo has successfully deployed in 2010, in collaboration with Microsoft and Musoni, the qPayIntegrator production platform for Musoni micro-financing venture with headquarters in Amsterdam and targeting Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda businesses, making full use of the mobile phone technology.

See IBS Journal – News: Musoni live on qPayintegrator for microfinance mobile payments

The project significantly enhances the services that the institution delivers to its clients by ensuring operational risk containment.

Once Microsoft BizTalk Server was adopted as qPayIntegrator technological platform to provide business application integration, Musoni’s IT and business employees closely cooperated with Allevo business consultants and BizTalk Server certified software professionals to design and deploy the system.

The technological superiority and versatility of Microsoft BizTalk Server was once again proven in an environment requiring the integration of heterogeneous platforms, such as a mobile payment platform, a micro-financing application and the general ledger.

“Allevo qPayIntegrator application, developed on Microsoft’s BizTalk Server technology, enabled us to offer our customers a competitive business differentiator tool,” said Lukas Wellen, former CEO of Musoni.

“Musoni’s ability to quickly integrate disparate micro financing and telecommunication channels clearly demonstrates the capabilities of Microsoft BizTalk Server. Payments technology partners such as Allevo use BizTalk Server as a payments framework from which to build critical applications to uniquely and efficiently meet the challenge of integrating multiple systems and devices in the increasingly multi-channel world of financial services,” said Karen Cone, General Manager, Worldwide Financial Services, Microsoft.

“The success of the project relied on the efficient professional cooperation of the parties’ assigned teams,” added Sorin Guiman, CEO Allevo. “qPayIntegrator fulfills the business needs and at the same time provides strong operational risk containment for Musoni and its clients.”

Ending a challenging year and welcoming a better one….

We’re almost ready with the preparations for tomorrow’s BIS’ December Party. The whole team and families, a few guests and their families, we gathered a hundred persons in a big Restaurant Ballroom.

We’ll have a Three-in-One Party, one party for three items, all important for us, our 12th Anniversary, our traditional Christmas Party and our internal announcement of a near-future rebranding.• 12th Anniversary: there were 12 hard work & continuously growing years for BIS, in expertise, team, quality; you can see BIS’ brief history in one of our November posts here.

Christmas Party: as usual, all the kids (ten of them born since BIS was founded) will find Santa’s gifts under the Xmas Tree, then a String Quartet will sing us Christmas Carols and we’ll all enjoy the Holidays’ Season’s atmosphere

Internal announcement of rebranding: for the near future we plan finishing the long rebranding process we’ve embarked on; so, most probably, the second quarter of 2011 will bring us a new visual identity, as BIS is rebranding in Allevo; all the changes that outcome of this will be presented by our rebranding company.

We’ll also have a Three-in-One big anniversary cake to wish us all

“Many happy returns of the day” &
“A Happy New Year”
with the literally sweet image of our 12-yo well-known logo.

Business Information Systems revealed that, in collaboration with Microsoft and Musoni, it has deployed the qPayIntegrator production platform for a Musoni micro-financing venture (Finance on Window’s page is attached).