SWIFT Business Forum 2012 - 20 Years of SWIFT in Romania

20 years of SWIFT in Romania were celebrated yesterday, October 11 as the 3rd edition of SWIFT Business Forum was organized by ARB (Romanian Banking Association), with the support of Allevo.

Granted with the presence of elite representatives of both SWIFT and the Romanian banking and financial industry, the event covered past, present and future. It started with a very nice video showing pictures of the SWIFT “family” in Romania, giving participants the chance to walk down on memory lane and remember some nice times.

The first half of the event was dedicated to the SWIFT strategy and update, SWIFT 2015 into practice, as well as discussing the impact of new regulation for the financial and banking market, what are the main challenges and the current status of European initiatives in payments and securities (SEPA, TARGET2, etc), while the second half of the event was under the mark on interactivity. The 8 chat rooms offered guests the opportunity to hear and discuss, during 15 minutes workshops that ran in parallel, about what SWIFT and its partners have to offer.

The last session was a free, open and engaging discussion on innovation and collaboration in the financial and banking industry.

Read the full article here.