Success Stories

Renewed partnership between SWIFT and Allevo

Allevo uses SWIFT partnership to deliver complete messaging solutions to joint customers


SWIFT and Allevo have signed an ‘Agency Contract’ to develop a relationship that will allow both parties to leverage their areas of expertise, to maximize benefits and deliver complete messaging solutions to joint customers.

The announcement demonstrates again the commitment Allevo has to SWIFT partnership on multiple levels: technology, standards and business.

“Allevo will promote and facilitate the sale of SWIFT payment and cash management, corporate to bank business, exceptions & investigation, and system integration solutions to jointly identified customers” said Horia Beschea, Director Products Development at Allevo.

Allevo is a private Romanian software vendor and consultancy company focused on reliably ensuring the exchange and processing of value-related transactions. Allevo delivers innovative solutions and services for real-time funds transfer management, empowering financial and public institutions, corporate treasuries and SMEs to:

  • improve / re-structure / centralize their financial transaction business flows
  • ensure interoperability by aligning their financial transaction systems to international market standards
  • automate their transactions flow (STP)

Allevo provides both SWIFTReady services and SWIFTReady applications.