Implementation services for allevo solutions

Allevo provides business analysis and implementation services for all its licensable products, ensuring end-to-end delivery of the solution tailored for each specific customer needs.
Allevo solutions, including software products and services, are highly customizable, ready for integration with various back-office systems and external interfaces, ready to meet specific business requirements for each customer.

Depending on the scope and complexity of each project, a combination of all or any of the following services can be carried out by Allevo's team of specialists: consultancy, business and system analysis, evaluation, strategy development, planning, project consultancy, implementation of technical solutions (including data preparation and migration), assistance for system testing and final acceptance, training.

Typical phases of one-time installation

1. Analysis of business and technological requirements and delivery of recommended specifications
2. Project consultancy, including project and installation planning (according to the specifications)
3. Solution design and development according to the agreed specifications
4. Installation and configuration of the solution as specified in the installation plan
5. Assistance for end-to-end testing of the solution and acceptance according to the installation plan
6. Provide installation report, containing relevant information on hardware / software configuration related to deployment
7. Provide basic skills transfer, during or after the installation and configuration phase

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