
Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: September

Bye-bye, Toronto


Most depressing day is packing day, wherever you are and whatever you do. And it feels like this today, even though us Allevoers are still looking forward to a full day of fun and relaxation at Niagara Falls.

There weren’t too many people looming around the Sibos floor, most of them being exhibitors taking care of final preparations, exchanging giveaways and saying goodbyes in a less formal environment than the previous days.

In my past “Goodbye, Vienna/Hong Kong/Amsterdam” posts I used to say see you all next year in whatever city was bound to be the next host for Sibos. The sad news is that we’re not 100% sure we plan on going to Osaka, given all rumours going around radiation levels from media reports. Romanians have had their share with Cernobîl and, even though it happened about the time I was born, people are still talking about it to this day, blaming it for several diseases they or their relatives are facing. Thus, we have a profound understanding of the hard times and high risks our Japanese partners are confronting and unless there’s a change of plan, we may only return at Sibos in 2013, in Dubai, and skip 2012 for good. But, if we get to Sibos next year we’re looking foward to coping with the Japanese people, knowing they won’t let us down with organizing an outstanding event. Sadly we don’t have too many words of praise for this year’s venue. The Sibos party was far better than that of last year, but that’s about it in terms of organization.

Casual Friday group hug #2

For the time being, please take a look at the day to day photo gallery we’ve uploaded on our website this past week.

That’s all folks, thank you for reading us, for dropping by and for showing interest in our solutions!

By: Ioana Guiman Tagged: Sibos 2011Leave comment

Closing down the curtains


When I heardthe bells ringing calling people for the closing plenary it struck me: this was it. Weird feeling when you’re still living in the hyper Sibos rhythm. Everyone today was saying goodbyes, running a few last minute meetings, hunting down freebies and giveaways ( our wine seemed to be highly appreciated, as have none left ! ), talking about the Sibos party and flights back home.

Good Sibos all in all; our most requested demos were our solutions for the corporation to bank space and biometric identity. Also, visitors were interested in what we know and cand do for remittances & MFIs.

Thursday was a full day of back to back meetings for all of us, some very interesting and promising. Another “good Sibos” tick added to Allevo’s history. Many visitors dropped by unexpectedly, following the previous day’s community session on open source. I found it surprising that so many people showed interest in this techy and weird idea; stay tuned to hear more about it from us in the next few months!

Luminita Toma

Take a look on our website at the dedicated Sibos 2011 section for more details and information on our presence there.

To celebrate the happy end, the Allevo team opened the 5 o’clock bottles of wine and invited passers by to join us for a toast and for announcing the last three winners of the daily draw.

One of the lucky winners

Now everyone can ditch the tie, leave all stress behind and head towards the long expected Sibos party!!!

By: Ioana Guiman Tagged: Sibos 2011Leave comment