
Are you waiting for a SEPA end date?

Today is the last day you can send feedback and comments on a commission working document focused on SEPA migration end-date… You can comment on implementation approach, waiving or not the niche products, transitional provision and other important aspects… You can find the document on the European Commission website. By: Corina Cornea

Workshop II / 2010: No recent news about SEPA? Updates here!

We would like to share news & facts about SEPA with you, our friends, partners and clients. The Single Euro Payment Area Project has been under continuous development since our last workshop on SEPA in 2009, recent updates are more than necessary. We are organizing in Business Information Systems’ Conference Room: Workshop II/2010 March, the […]

The Ideas Table – Obtaining Commitment

Last year we attended a very interesting presentation at SPI conference. “Interesting” usually brings in mind some positive thoughts like “the presenter has an extensive experience and we’ve found some good advice in what he or she presented”. Well, this time it was a little different. We knew from hear-say that the presenter’s company was […]