
Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: March FINkers United for Dummies   March  First time I saw a “for Dummies” brochure, I found the expression a bit offensive. Even now, I thought twice whether to name this text “for Dummies” or “FINkers United ABCs”. But reading that first brochure I understood the value of it: having things explained, plain […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: May Open Source (Software) Pitfall by Mihai Guiman Everybody has heard about open source software. The sad part is that few understand what it is. Last week I have attended a networking event aimed to gather professionals from the IT industry and university representatives, mainly focusing on research and innovative projects. I thought […]

Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: 2018 Sneak Peek into Our Automated Testing Tool   August  Part of our EU-funded corporate treasury project, meet our FinTPc automated testing tool! Why this need for automation? Because it is more reliable and way quicker than manual tests, hence we all get faster feedback and benefit from improved quality. The automated testing […]

Allevo blog

Sneak Peek into Our Automated Testing Tool   August  Part of our EU-funded corporate treasury project, meet our FinTPc automated testing tool! Why this need for automation? Because it is more reliable and way quicker than manual tests, hence we all get faster feedback and benefit from improved quality. The automated testing tool is an […]

Sneak Peek into Our Automated Testing Tool

Part of our EU-funded corporate treasury project, meet our FinTPc automated testing tool! Why this need for automation? Because it is more reliable and way quicker than manual tests, hence we all get faster feedback and benefit from improved quality. The automated testing tool is an open-source functional extension of FinTPc designed to make the […]

Privacy policy

Allevo Privacy Policy Last update: 27.05.2024 Summary You provide your personal information (full name, email, institution, role, phone number, etc.) when creating an account. We store that information reliably, we only use it to best answer your request and we do not share it with any other party. You can delete your account anytime. When […]

Top 7 Perks of Using the KYC Registry

Extensive documentation and testimonials aside, we captured for you the true essence of the KYC compliance utility of choice for the global banking community, none other than SWIFT’s Know Your Correspondent Registry, appropriate for Banks correspondent relationships. Registration, validation and publication of bank’s info are free of charge. You only pay when you access another […]

The Paypers Interview with Sorina Bera – Allevo CEO

  Interview with Allevo: Aligning Instant Payments and PSD2 with banking customers’ needs Sorina Bera, CEO at Allevo says that banks are clearly moving towards best serving their customers in order to keep them. The trend is for regulation to come to the aid of people. — What are your main areas of focus in […]

Money2020 Copenhagen – Day 3 Highlights

The final day of Money20/20 came upon us and we had to say goodbye to charming Copenhagen, but not without taking in more pieces of wisdom and insights from all over the financial ecosystem. After a debate on the power, potential and perils of personal data, focused on how regulation is actually driving innovation, we […]

Money2020 Copenhagen – Day 1 Highlights

After a bit of a hassle with a cancelled flight, Allevo managed to land in Copenhagen just in time for Money20/20 Europe, and we’re now bringing you “Day 1 Highlights” as seen through our lens. Before diving into the engaging debates and interviews quoted below, we must say that representatives of banks and FinTechs alike […]