
Allevo at EBAday, Berlin 2013

  Towards a Borderless World for Payments – this was the theme of this year’s EBAday forum, the annual conference organized by the Euro Banking Association and Finextra Research. Payments professionals from all across Europe have gathered in Berlin for two days of intense networking and debate on topics like payments innovation, liquidity management, SEPA […]

At the End of an Eventful Week

Friday, May 17, 2013 Busy week at Allevo: started with arranging the final details for what we’ve preparing for a while now; and that is the FinTP hackathon on Wednesday and the 22nd User Group on Thursday. I won’t bore you with the preparations, as you’ve already seen part of what it all meant on […]

Allevo User Group – 22nd Edition, May 16, 2013

    Just half a day after the FinTP first hackathon had ended, we organized our 22nd User Group, so we could all debate the conclusions of the hackathon while they were still hot.   On the user group’s agenda we have also included the reports on the activity on SiT!, our application for customer […]

FinTP Hackathon, May 15, 2013

    May 15th was the day of the FinTP hackathon; an important day for all of us at Allevo, as it was the first event of this type that we have ever organized. The goal of the event was to enable collaboration for developing the FinTP platform and offer the relevant resources for the […]

New! FinTP Portal

Less than 5 days left until the first FinTP Hackathon next Wednesday. We’re kind of counting the days here 🙂 In the meantime, we have been busy launching the FinTP portal, the place where we can gather all the info about FinTP, about the 3 component projects we’re starting: UDAL (+ pre-requisites ), API REST […]

FinTP Hackathon

ETA: 7 days, 16 hours, 23 minutes and 29 seconds As promised, I’m getting back to you with more details about the FinTP Hackathon. I hope I won’t sound too geeky, but if I do, I will just blame it on my techy colleagues 🙂 But first, the good news: we are almost in complete […]

Happy Easter!

Friday, May 03, 2013   We wish Happy Easter to all of you who celebrate it these days 🙂   By Ioana Moldovan, 03 May 2013.  

Romanian Capital Gala

End of April comes with yet another award for Allevo. During the 2nd edition of the Romanian Capital Gala, a Finmedia event held on April 29th, 2013, we were proud to receive the diploma for “The sole zonal SWIFT certified partner, with 100% Romanian capital, dedicated provider of payment systems, business continuity and process management […]

Romanian Capital Gala

Tuesday, April 30, 2013     End of April comes with yet another award for Allevo. During the 2nd edition of the Romanian Capital Gala, a Finmedia event held on April 29th, 2013, we were proud to receive the diploma for “The sole zonal SWIFT certified partner, with 100% Romanian capital, dedicated provider of payment […]