
EBAday Luxemburg 2010

  Business Information Systems exhibited at EBAday 2010 in Luxembourg. This year, the conference covered interesting topics for everyone: outsourcing, the possibility of SEPA market being divided by additional optional services and by the success in winning corporate interest on SEPA, liquidity management and the new FSA requirements related to intra-day position. However, everybody was eager to hear announcement […]

The X-ray of a successful event

It’s not too late to provide you the X-ray of EBAday, a successful event, the on-site impressions of BIS’ delegates, just published in Bank Watch Magazine, July’s issue. Read it in Romanian on our site here. X-ray of a successful event Two years ago, while talking about SEPA and important European conferences aiming at this […]

BANK Watch, q2 2010

Following a good initiative, our specialists were invited by FINWATCH to express opinions related to some very actual financial market subjects in Market Watch’ supplement, Bank Watch. Mrs. Sorina Bera, Services Management Director BIS, started in March a series of three articles on the collaboration between Banks – Corporates – Solutions & services provider, “Menage […]

Bank Watch, July 2010

Mrs Cristina Cioroboiu, Business Analyst BIS tells us the story of this successful event where BIS had its second year’s stand and conference, in Luxembourg. EBAday 2010 – xRay of a successful event   “SWIFT upgrades and our traditional wisdom” Short notice by Mrs Sorina Bera, Services Management Director BIS about planning the 2011 two […]

Debizz, June-July 2010

Besides the below general offer, Mr Dan Anghelescu, Operations Manager BIS, has answered to a short interview, along with other managers of IT companies, to outsourcing related questions in the Debizz/Fokus section. Our presentation in the magazine

Romanian SWIFT User Group Meeting

“Partnering with SWIFT” Dan Anghelescu, BIS Operations Manager, took over the stage atthe Romanian SWIFT User Group Meeting, which gatheredrepresentatives of SWIFT – EMEA area and Romanian SWIFT users -banks that are members of the Romanian BanksAssociation. Dan Anghelescu’s presentation

Are you waiting for a SEPA end date?

Today is the last day you can send feedback and comments on a commission working document focused on SEPA migration end-date… You can comment on implementation approach, waiving or not the niche products, transitional provision and other important aspects… You can find the document on the European Commission website. By: Corina Cornea

SWIFT upgrades and our traditional wisdom

Out of people’s wisdom: ‘The way you prepare it, you get to use it’   SWIFT announcements abstract: In 2011, SWIFT users will have to pass 2 upgrades After a several years experience, all SWIFT users have the same opinion: no matter the geo-political conditions, stock fluctuations or times authorities, no matter if we come […]

Aiming at bringing together the demand and supply sides of the European payments market

Sepa Council established to kick-start EU payments convergence The European Commission and European Central bank have hosted the first meeting of the Sepa Council, a new body created to guide the future development of the Single Euro Payments Area project. From: Finextra News: 07 June, 2010 The meeting brought together top-level representatives from both the demand […]