Single window transaction management
FinTPc is intended for treasury departments of companies. It provides a single window for managing suppliers, customers, resources, banks and for regaining control of working capital and financial resources. It is connected to all transactions related applications within the company and it can be accessed by different departments with suitable attributes assigned.
Reconciliation: payments, bank statements, invoices
FinTPc addresses account statements processing through transactions breakdown, separating them in transactions categories, synchronization, and reconciliation of both incoming and outgoing payments versus internal applications.
Working capital control
FinTPc aggregates information from various sources, providing a unique view over the liquidity of the company, as well as of its financial position.
Multi-currency enablement
Multiple currencies are supported.
FinTPc leverages the data processed by the application to outline behavioral changes and to provide financial predictions to business users.
Duplicate detection
The Duplicate Detection feature allows detection of possible duplicate messages and early alerting for further investigations.
The option is configurable at each implemented business flow level: e.g. credit transfer outgoings, return incoming transactions, payments requests instructions etc.
Cash pooling and reporting
Cash Pooling and Reporting ensures real-time cash reports and forecasts using several reporting criteria, in a consolidated view.
The real-time liquidity reporting is performed at geographical level (on each entity) or at business level (on operation type). It also provides forecast management and can compare forecasts with the real status of payments and collections.
Reports: competitive, custom, suppliers, banks, duplicates, cancelled payments, user activity
Automatic generation of standard and user defined reports: competitive, custom, suppliers, banks, possible duplicates, cancelled payments, user activity.
Corporate to Bank
Factoring Service
Native ISO 20022
The internal format used by FinTPc is ISO 20022
Flat file
Flat files can be processed, as long as the format is structured and defined.
The SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) functionality accommodates the SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) and SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) payment flows for both payments in RON or EUR.
Proprietary formats can be processed, as long as they are structured and defined.
Processed payments can be searched in various dedicated areas: investigation, correction, cancellation and authorization. Payments initiation is processed based on information extracted and centralized from all other internal applications involved in generating payments.
Account statements from partner banks are imported automatically in FinTPc and processed. Transaction breakdown of statements is allocated in the corresponding applications accordingly to their generation in order to facilitate reconciliation.
Invoices can be created in FinTPc or imported from an existing electronic invoicing or EDI system. All functions of the current invoicing systems used can be applied on the invoices processed by FinTPc. Invoices are imported in the application for easier transformation in payments, as well as to support reconciliation and automated factoring.
FinTPc provides technical integration for ERP and other internal applications (HR, TMS, Accounting, SCM), message conversion to / from various formats, message routing and monitoring. Duplicate detection, format enrichment as well as additional business rules can be applied to transactions processed through FinTPc.
Flow automation
The FinTPc solution for companies (corporations and SMEs) offers flow automation and integration of various internal applications of an institution, such as accounting, human resources, ERP, TMS, SCM, invoice management, treasury, with external services provided by banks (corporate to bank channel, factoring), EDI, networks (SWIFT, CSM) etc.
Technical integration between different business applications, including connectors for back-office systems and various internal applications (HR, loan management, credit scoring, supplier management, EDI etc).
Operational risk containment
FinTPc provides various features that contribute to the banking operational risk containment, such as: accounting reconciliation, duplicate detection, transactions filtering, competitive alerts. FinTPc ensures filtering against various lists and controls that a company may want to use for ensuring business rules application on transaction processing, such as black lists, supplier limits, standard deviation, suppliers with debts to customer.
Validation & enrichment
Support for message transformation, validation and error handling. The original content of any transaction is persistent within the application. The original content is never changes. All transactions are enriched with status information: source or destination application, timestamp, updated status, possible duplicate flag, possible fraud flag etc. This additional information is used mainly for tracking and reporting.
Payment enrichment for reconciliation and reporting: supplier, ledger account, location, reporting codes, invoice reference.
Validation for: possible duplicates, investigation of amounts above a certain limit, blacklisted accounts, IBAN.
Payment types & templates
Main features include:
- manual generation or retrieval of payments produced by internal applications: supplier invoices, taxes, customs, excises, wages
- payment classification by configured payer company and payment type
- definition of templates and template lists for repetitive or multiple payments
- updated payment status
FinTPc provides message filtering capabilities with detection of possible money laundering transactions against custom white or black lists. This ensures payments are not instructed from or two blocked IBANs, entities or suppliers.
Alerts or early alerts can be configured for any events: possible duplicates, exception events for monitored communication channels, standard deviation or behavioral changes (competitive alerts). All the messages that are subject to alerts will be placed in an investigation queue, for an administrator to review and either confirm or block them.
FinTPc by design ensures persistent end-to-end transactions. It features multi-threading capabilities and error detection and recovery mechanism.
Transaction mirroring between the production and backup platforms, ensuring business continuity, data integrity and consistency. FMA provides real-time resilience at the transaction level, as well as a high degree of virtualization, which contributes to saving on important resources.
All transactions are logged and can be traced back. The search capability allows easy identification of a transaction for investigation purposes.
All the messages that are subject to alerts will be placed in an investigation queue, for an administrator to review and either confirm or block them.
Performance reports useful to infrastructure architects. This tool assists technical teams in investigating performance issues and in validating a combination of deployment architectures (hardware and software) and operational architectures (different flows and configurations).
Performance monitoring
FinTPc monitors and sends alerts regarding abnormal backend response time or resource access, allowing necessary actions to be taken and address runtime or backend issues identified.
Automated testing
It is a tool designed to make the testing process more objective. Its main purpose is to assist and help people involved in the test and validation process, providing fast and complete checks of the application:
– after the initial installation in the customer’s environment;
– after configuration changes;
– after the installation of major releases or patches, also known as regression testing;
– after extending the product with new features.
It is built as a collection of modules that can be used on their own to test certain business or technical functionalities. The automated testing is performed:
– in different deployment architectures;
– for different versions of prerequisites;
– for different technical interfaces with other applications;
– for custom configurations.
Payment creation
Manual generation or retrieval of payments produced by internal applications: supplier invoices, taxes, customs, excises, wages. Updated payment status. Payments investigation, correction, cancellation and authorization. Generation of payment files (SWIFT MT101, ISO20022 pain.001, other). Account statements processing, synchronization and reconciliation of incoming payments versus internal applications.
FinTPc includes flexible supplier management capabilities, allowing companies to import internal lists, that payments will be filtered against, as well as manual creation and latter editing of predefined suppliers, with possibilities of adding limitations and restrictions for their accounts, with regards to amounts, debts or due dates.
Entities can be manually defined or imported as lists from other internal applications the companies uses. Entities can be part of the same group and management rules for transactions can be customized according to the particularities of each entity. Cash pooling for the accounts of the group can be integrated, as well as cross group liquidity and financial management.
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