

FinTP is a complete open source application that processes transactions, automates flows, offers compliance to regulatory and industry standards, as well as operational risk containment. By using this solution, the financial institutions of all sizes benefit from a lower TCO and achieve end-to-end interoperability across the financial supply chain.

Allevo solutions are tailored for banks, transaction banks, corporations, state treasuries and public administrations, microfinance institutions and market infrastructures and are designed around FinTP.

Allevo guaranteed distribution of FinTP provides an enterprise-class application suite with practice proven stability and performance, ensuring maintenance and support within SLA parameters, compatibility with hardware and software pre-requisites, robust security, business continuity assistance, system optimization, configuration & version management, continuously compliance with financial industry standards and regulations etc. The related low TCO makes such systems affordable to SMEs as well and helps them to be more competitive on the market.

FinTP and all ancillary documentation is distributed freely and openly through the FINkers United® community which provides collaboration ground for rapid development and integration of new technologies, such as crypto currencies, biometric security, data analysis algorithms. This creates an open infrastructure for achieving real-time payments and a better management of liquidity and assets.

FinTP is a versatile FinTech middleware application with features that address various departments of a financial institution.

Business area: liquidity reporting and forecasting, enhanced interoperability with the bank’s corporation customers, as well as flexible service for individuals based on the extended use of SWIFT standardized messages set for remittances (SWIFTRemit).

Operations area: support for themost popular financial information transfer instruments (payments, direct debit, debit instruments and securities), as well as multicurrency enablement, and operational risk containment functionalities (such as accounting reconciliation, duplicate detection, transaction filtering, competitive alerts).

IT area: insurance of the data quality: end-to-end persistent transactions, system resilience (transactions mirroring to back-up platform), native ISO20022 support, easy operational and data flows configurations through embedded XML schemas etc.