
Business continuity solution

Moldindconbank implemented FMA, Allevo’s business continuity solution


28 February 2018 – Moldindconbank selected FMA, Allevo’s solution for mirroring transactions between the production and backup platforms, ensuring business continuity, data integrity and consistency.

After being deemed “the most innovative bank in Moldova” for two years in a row, Moldindconbank now joins the banks in Romania that have opted for FMA in the past years, thus becoming Allevo’s first client in Moldova to have successfully implemented this solution.

FMA provides real-time resilience at the transaction level, based on the message persistence in IBM WebSphere MQ, as well as a high degree of virtualization, which contributes to saving on important resources.

Besides transaction mirroring and ensuring business continuity between two geographically remote locations, other basic FMA characteristics are: error detection and notification, flexibility and scalability, an event management subsystem (for planned and unplanned events), as well as a recovery plan.

To this transaction mirroring engine, FMA adds a technical and business monitoring subsystem, an event and procedure management subsystem, e-learning support, and support for rehearsing and updating the business continuity plan. The following are provided within the management subsystem: working procedures management (creation, update and dissemination), planned events support, business continuity and disaster recovery support.

An important aspect to consider when it comes to unplanned events is that the backup platform is available 24/7 for sending and receiving financial transactions, guiding the activities of the employees in charge, otherwise prone to error in such stressful situations.

“By adopting FMA and working closely with the professional team at Allevo, we’re now ready to successfully face unplanned events and we know exactly which steps to take, as well as knowing the time it takes for resuming our normal activities, while ensuring the integrity of our data”, says Mihai Ursu, Head of  Information Technology Department BC “Moldindconbank” S.A.

“Risk management and business continuity capability are vital for banks. The smooth collaboration between teams assigned by each party for implementing this project helped Moldindconbank benefit from optimal protection with respect to these matters”, adds Sorina Bera, CEO Allevo.