
Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: March

Rebranding reactions (III) Q & A


We’re pleased to have received a series of positive reactions to our rebranding announcement Congratulations!

…very nice…

Makes perfect sense…
Many accomplishments under the new logo!
Elegantly attractive new company image…
Wishes of success under the new identity!

I take this opportunity to thank everyone. We also hope and strongly believe this will be a success, because of all the hard work and energy everyone has put into it.

Apart from these best wishes, we also received, as expected, a lot of questions.

Who bought you?
Who’s Allevo ? Are you merging with them?
Any legal issues?
Is the team going to remain the same?

The first question is the most common issue troubling everyone it seems. We’re still us, nobody bought us.

Allevo is going to be the same company everyone’s acquainted to, Business Information Systems, but under a different hood and put under a new light.

Back in 1998, when initially founded, Business Information Systems was a privately owned company, with a modest capital, which was trying to make a break in providing applications for the financial market. Thus, marketing was budgeted with 0 (zero) value and everything was built in-house and only when there was time for such ‘irrelevant’ matters. Everything, starting with the logo and ending with the entire website. Time has come to make a change for the better in this direction.

We welcome all these questions, they give us the opportunity to better explain what has driven us to renew our commercial identity. One colleague genuinely asked: are there people who have piled the needed cash to take us over, since we are Lions in the payment playing-field?

Apart from the obvious evolution trend, we need to assert the mantra of the company’s young generation, to better illustrate its strength and aspiration. This process might not be quantifiable as an immediately accountable profit, but it certainly represents the distinctive value and the business conduct our team is aligned to.

The single secret behind our action is that it came from the deep desire of the company to lay grounds for the next successful business decades.

Allevo. Thinking evolution.

By: Corina Cornea Tagged: AllevoLeave comment

Rebranding transition (II) the countdown


42, 41, 40,…days left till the PublicAnnouncement,… and still so much to do for a successfullaunching.

They say that where there’s a will, there’s a way. Thetiming is perfect, Spring’s awakened energies allow us to have a‘will’, its longer days give us time to have a‘way’.

Business Information Systems embraces a new commercial identity,which, as previously stated, is more fitted to express thecompany’s aspirations and to differentiate it in the business nicheof its focus.

The registered company name remains unchanged (BusinessInformation Systems). In the rebranding process the new alias andlogo were already legally registered as Business InformationSystems’ trademark. The public announcement (PA) date is due on the1st of May 2011.

Meanwhile we have steps to go through, more or lesssimultaneously, commercial department colleagues are putting theircreative energies together to accomplish all in duetime.

Until the launching date we need to fulfill important commercial& image actions, here’s the TOP3 list of ‘todo’s:
contact all our business partners letting them know ofthe upcoming change and make sure the legal base of our cooperationis updated accordingly;
update the web available information on BusinessInformation Systems to reflect the transition to the newidentity;
update marketing/promotional materials with our new”look”, as well as all forms (letters, cards, templates,white-papers).

And we’ll ensure the continuity of your resources of informationabout us. The new web site (/ ) willfeature a new design and a fresh content, to mirror the sage,creative and daring new mantra. You’ll only have to select ‘Add toFavorites’…

By: Corina Cornea Tagged: AllevoLeave comment