
Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: June


We’ve built this dedicated area, where ourexperts are to give an advised opinion on financial news andevents, focusing on payment solutions, answering and debatingfrequent issues addressed by collaborators, customers or brand newvisitors.
We will provide a range of topics related to financial paymentmarket trends, SEPA project and related businessopportunities.
We are looking forward to hearing what you have to say, so pleasedon’t hold back, join the conversations and let’s share ideas &(professional) information on these hot business topics!
By: Ioana Guiman Tagged: BISLeave comment

SEPG Conference in Prague

Motto: “We need a methodical methodic method…”
(Volunteer Marek, “The Good Soldier Švejk” byJaroslavHašek
Last week I participated at the SEPG Conference inPrague.
Known as the most influential CMMIconference in Europe, SEPGSM Europe 2009 has evolved to become thepremier learning and networking event that brings together industryleading
organizations who are putting CMMI, People CMM, TSP, PSP, Agile,Six Sigma, ITIL and ISO standards, and other performanceimprovement methods together to perform at a higherlevel.”
You can read the newletters form thisconference on the conferencesite.

It was a good opportunity to remember the Good SoldierŠvejk’ wisdom, drink one of the best beers in the world and preparefor the next step in process improvement in myorganization.

They say a successful conference should give you at leastone good idea.
They were many more but four of them are really useful forour “small but complex” company.

CMMI Model tells you “the What”: what practices you shouldimplement in your processes.

It doesn’t tell how to do it. But there are goodmethodologies like Six Sigma which can give you excelent ideas andwe should take a closer look.

CMMI for Services model is “cool”. Very useful and isbecoming more and more popular. Not to forget that 80% of companiesin USA and Europe are services companies. This includes thefinancial institutions. We’ve already started a self-evaluationagainst this model. For the moment, just to see what practicescould help improve our services departments.
“Everything one needs” on this model for the moment isright on the SEI site http://www.sei.cmu.edu/cmmi/models/index.html
You should read also this article CMMI for Services: SurprisinglyFlexible!

Don’t think “this is mandatory to reach CMMI Maturity Level3”, think “this is important for our business”. It is important forour business to adopt practices verified and validated by theindustry. But if we focus on succes at Scampi A, at any price, wemight be doing a huge mistake. Focus should be naturally on ourbusiness objectives.

We are not alone in this big world. Even a budget of 1million dollars or euros won’t help you very much to improve easilyyour nice set of processes. Our problems are everyone’sproblems.
It’s a human thing to resist change, it seems.
However there are simple strategies, tactics and ideas thatwe can borrow from others smarter. The good news is that we can doit with fewer resources than we thought but with morebrains. Read this one Small Projects Management: 7 Tactics That Pay-OffBig!

to be continued –> –> –> tobe continued –> –> –> to be continued –> –>–>

Emilia Dragne

By: Ioana Guiman Tagged: AgileLeave comment