
Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: January

Announcing BIS’ Workshop Series 2010 edition

As one of our readers, you know our WorkshopSeries last year was a very well receivedinitiative, the increasing number of participants from corporateand financial institutions speaking for itself.
We had three sessions in June, one in October and one in November,when we have approached the SEPA (Single Euro PaymentArea) Initiative and the new Europeanpayment landscape; related themes were presented by our businessexperts and questions were answered.
The topics are more present than ever in the European financialmarket and they have developed, so, we decided to continue theWorkshop Series, starting February this year.

We might add, besides up-dates on SEPA Project and PSD provisionsand implications, other interesting and ‘collateral’ subjects, suchas the Bank – Corporate business over SWIFT channel,Anti Money Laundering, Workers Remittances, Cash Reporting,Exceptions and Investigations and…you nameit.

We would very much appreciate your personal & professionalcontribution on the most interesting topics to be included in ourplanned workshops! Share with us your experience, your concerns andyour questions.
We’ll make sure you’ll get answers!
See you in February!
(an invitation will be sent to each of you announcing the date andthe agenda of the Workshop)

The planned workshops have one subject per month, you’ll be ableto choose one of the two dates at your convenience:
February 2010 Thursday,18th / Wednesday,24th
March 2010 Thursday,11th / Wednesday, 24th
April 2010 Thursday,15th / Wednesday, 21th
May 2010 Thursday,13th / Wednesday, 19th

By: Corina Cornea Tagged: Event listLeave comment

AML Questions and….Opinions

We’ve been invited to stress opinions about Anti-Money Launderingsolutions market.

Just a preview:
AML – Where is the driver?
Well, we think AML solutions’ main driver is the regulation. Ofcourse the financial institutions should be the first to beconcerned about their customers’ conduct & risks and they wouldlike to use the same solution to answer to all relatedrequirements, that is not only the anti money laundering provisionsbut also those related to applying international sanctions and riskmanagement, accordingly. In the last years there were frequentchanges to these regulations that in turn induced significantefforts to comply with from both commercial entities and solutionproviders.
AML – Which is the market ?
AML solutions are not addressing only banks and other financialinstitutions. The AML legal frame has to be applied also by otherentities, legal or individuals within other fields of activity.Their needs for monitoring and reporting suspicious transactionscould be different, from here arising the demand of havingsolutions tailored in order to meet customer requirements regardingoperations and volumes.

Know, apply, work on it, havesolutions!

Questions? Opinions?

(the whole interview is to be published in the Romanian e-Financemagazine, in an AML dedicated section)

By: Corina Cornea Tagged: AMLLeave comment