

Process and resource management

Esfera improves business management by enabling the planning, execution, control and flexible correction of the business processes and resources at department level. Esfera Suite provides guidance and control in performing both business-as-usual and exception processes, embedding also crisis management and business continuity planning.

Esfera is fitted also to be used as an e-learning environment, where procedures might be understood and individually studied, both to initiate junior staff or to distribute and create awareness of the current updates.

Esfera allows to set-up a virtual process and resource control environment, modeling business as usual or exception handling workflow

On strategic level with Esfera you have:

A collaborative solution which provides the staff of the company with a working environment that facilitates communication, workflow control, information exchange and selective access (depending on the role an employee plays) to all the information generated within a particular activity.

A system that can be easily and at any time adapted in order to comply with the changes that may appear in the processes of an organization.

An extremely useful toolset to:

implement an ISO9001:2008 quality management system inside an organization

develop, maintain and test an electronic Business Continuity Plan

real-time monitor the activities workflow, for tracing the outcomes and for the necessary analyses of cost optimization

achieve process automation, of great interest for the implementation of CMMI in small settings.

On business level Esfera is a instrument to:


several electronic forms/personalized messages

the review/approval flow corresponding to a document or electronic form

the activity flow, with roles and message routing rules, according to the organization’s processes

Automatically route messages, or launch activity starting commands (including review/approval requests), based on predefined rules

Real time monitor the launched activities and the review/approval flow

Interface with your e-mail, address book and calendar.

On technical level Esfera can be considered as a:

Hierarchical-based forum with messages and answers with capabilities for

Inserting attachments (documents, images, audio files)

Alerting messages for various events (like exceeding a preset date or modifying a certain document)

Collection of valuable applications providing support for

collecting, organizing and dissemination of best practices across the organization


logging functionalities (recording each event/activity in the Esfera workspace for further analysis)

monitoring planned events or crisis situations

quality management system, including automatic measurements

customer relationship management functionalities (for the sales department)

project development

human resources management.

More advantages?

High scalability: the organization can start from a reduced version dealing with one or two processes; further on, as new requirements come along, Esfera can be simply extended to other processes

Helpdesk access: every working day, from 8 am until 8 pm

Great reliability.