
Corporations: Financial Consolidation

The Allevo Financial Consolidation solution for financial or treasury departments of corporations brings together the business processing and management in one single operation window. It provides the building blocks for a highly effective money supply chain between banks, providers and customers. Beyond that, it empowers control on the working capital and financial resources.

Key benefits that contribute to optimizing resource allocation and efficiency:

‒      single view of financial operations

‒      cash reporting and forecasting

‒      accounting reconciliation, i.e. AR/AP with the banks’ statements of account

‒      transaction filtering

‒      business interoperability with banks, including those in MACUG or SCORE architectures

The solution tailored around FinTP offers:

‒      Manual generation or retrieval of payments generated by internal applications: supplier invoices, taxes, customs, excises, wages

‒      Payments classification by configured payer company and payment type

‒      Definition of templates & template lists for repetitive or multiple payments

‒      Payment enrichment for reconciliation and reporting: supplier, ledger account, location, reporting codes

‒      Validation: possible duplicates, investigation of amounts above a certain limit, blacklisted accounts, IBAN format

‒      Payments investigation, correction, cancellation and authorization

‒      Generation of payment files (SWIFT MT101, ISO20022 pain.001)

‒      Processing account statements, synchronizing and reconciling incoming payments with internal applications

‒      Automatic generation of standard and user defined reports: suppliers, banks, possible duplicates, cancelled payments