
Brand - Allevo

Branding consultants recommendations

Having been x-rayed by the rebranding consultants, we publish below the summary of their findings and the recommended cure:

What the company & team are:

• The company is a business accelerator for its customers, responsive and committed to move their business forward and to accelerate their business growth.

Brand pyramid

• Innovation is the indisputable fascination of the company’s team, who lives to design the future of financial transactions – the foundation of this century’s progress. The freedom of our minds and relentless curiosity leads us to a never ending learning process

• Acting now and today is the company’s mantra of doing business in this world of dynamic changes.

• The team aims for results in designing better solutions for financial transactions.

What we will become:

An authentic factory of brilliant minds that will put all their dedication and knowledge into designing solutions that provide safety and ensure business evolution. Front runners, that’s what we are going to be!

It had to be named somehow and, obviously to all connaisseurs, the single synonym to all of these is Allevo, who is thinking evolution.