Monthly Posts: April
Romanian Capital Gala
End of April comes with yet anotheraward for Allevo. During the 2nd edition of the Romanian Capital Gala, a Finmedia eventheld on April 29th, 2013, we were proud to receive the diploma for”The sole zonal SWIFT certified partner, with 100% Romaniancapital, dedicated provider of payment systems, business continuityand process management solutions and services, addressing corporatebanking and treasury”. Quite a long title, isn’t it? Imagine havingto translate it from Romanian into English 😛 Jokes aside, it wasquite cool to be nominated as one of the Romanian capitalchampions.

Besides the awards ceremony, theevent presented itself as a debate on the future of inland capitaland Romanian values. Business leaders, capital shapers, financers,lawyers, bankers, guarantee and counter guarantee fundsrepresentatives; they all had a saying in this. They talked aboutglobalization, of course, about the importance of autochthonouscapital in the key economic sectors and, as usual and expected,about changing economic paradigms and mentalities. Maybe,eventually, some of the good ideas specialists came up with alongthe way, will be put into practice.
Until then, we can still complainabout the Romanian export declining every year (apparently only twoRomanian companies were worth mentioning exporters in 2012: Dacia and Interagro, out of which Dacia is not even aRomanian based capital company). But hope is not lost, or at leastthis is the idea you get when hearing a well-known Romanian bankerannouncing to open a new bank.
Meanwhile, in this context, ourgoing open source seems like the best idea ever 🙂
Codefest with the Allevo Community
A little bit more serious, butnot necessarily less fun than the more famous beerfest, definitelysupporting you to get smarter, not fatter, the codefest, also knownas hackathon, is a chance to show you really know what you’retalking about when code is involved 🙂
And what better chance to proveyour code “guru-ness” than on a type of application that has neverand anywhere before seen the light of open source? And the #1hackathon organized by Allevo will give you thischance.
What the “hack” am I talkingabout? Well, to put it simply, about the first FinTP hackathon.After the launch on May 24 last year, we focused on refining ourstrategy and improving the product, based on the valuable ideas wegathered from the first FINkers United community gathering. And afterthis great deal of work, we have now the courage to let you in ourlittle castle, built out of bricks of code, hoping it can measureup to the most skilled developer’sexpectations.
We’ve walked and walked itscorridors, with our architects, designers, business analysts,developers, testers, project managers, version managers and so on.We’ve tried to remove all the skeletons from the closets, the dustbeneath the carpets, the spider webs from thepaintings 🙂. And now we believe it isready for its visitors. So we are going to prepare some guestrooms, for you, our brave code knights.Or should I rather say brained knights 🙂No traps, no water ditching, no defense towers, nodragons to defeat. They may not be the most luxurious rooms of thecastle, but every journey or adventure begins with one simple firststep. Or in this case with one simpleroom.
But you are free to doeverything in this room: rearrange it, redesign it completely,build on top of it and even try to break in the room without a key.Cause the theme of this programming marathon is none other than”let your imagination go wild”. We’ll give you our first API’s, anUDAL library and an interface API, that you can use for whatevercrosses your mind.
So, this is an invitation tohelp us build and fortify a 21century castle, an open castle. To help us design it as aviable alternative in the market, to the benefit of everyone in thecommunity around it.
If you want to take on ourchallenge, just drop me an e-mail at you can participate by invitation only) and save the15th of May in your calendar for this code quest. Orcodefest 🙂
PS: More technical details coming soon.