
2010 - Allevo

  • Exhibiting at Sibos 2010 Amsterdam
  • Exhibiting at EBAday 2010 Luxembourg
  • Participating at SOFE (SWIFT Operations ForumEurope)
  • Receiving the FinMedia e-Support Award 2010 for theAML filtering solution
  • Passing the technical and functionalvalidation for qPayIntegrator suitewithin the SWIFT certification programme SWIFTReadyWorkers’ Remittances
  • LaunchingqPayIntegrator version destined fora micro-financing institution (Dutchcustomer)
  • Launching the AML transactionsfiltering feature ofqPayIntegrator
  • Designing PAYaaS, a hosted managed service for banks& corporate financial transactions management
  • Starting the rebranding process with a view tobuild an image more consistent with the company’s philosophy,values and aspirations