
Press - Allevo

qPayIntegrator – first SWIFT SEPAReady Application 2008

Business Information Systems proudly announcesthe SWIFTReady Application SEPA 2008 certificationof qPayIntegrator paymentHUB – the first solution endorsed by SWIFT for the SEPA track. BISagain showed its commitment to the continuous alignment of qPayIntegrator tomarket regulations, standards and infrastructures.

BIS will implement the updates of the commonfinancial credit transfer and direct debit instruments, as well asthe related business procedures. BIS‘ goal is tohelp banks and corporate preparing their business compliance withSEPA and Target2.

Sibos Special Interest Session

The Sibos Special Interest Session on “Public Institutions in SEPAContext”, initiated by Business InformationSystems, will emphasize the Romanian Ministry’s of Economyand Finance (MEF) experience in using its payment system aligned tobanking standards and practice.

We believe that MEF will become a reference for other EU’-StateTreasuries, after MEF successful exploitation of theinteroperability of a governmental body and the businesscommunity.

MA-CUG and SCORE are laying the ground for extending a higherquality distribution channel for enhanced financial services tocorporate customers. It is a great opportunity for other StateTreasuries to take advantage of this business model.

Join us on Tuesday, 16 September, 4 P.M., in Room Lehar4.

qPayIntegrator ported on Microsoft® BizTalk® Accelerator for SWIFT

Business Information Systems, in partnershipwith Microsoft has successfully completed the migration of qPayIntegrator paymenthub on Microsoft® BizTalk® Accelerator forSWIFT.

BIS and Microsoft will jointly propose the banksand corporations attending Sibos 2008 to prepare their businesscompliance on SEPA and on Target2, by using the SWIFTReady Application SEPA 2008solution qPayIntegrator.

Join us at our stand C218 for a live demo and a debate/discussionwith our SWIFT certified consultants.

Find out more about Microsoft BizTalk Server.

Romanian presence @ Sibos 2008

Sibos 2008 – Vienna, an event at which Romania came with twogoals!” – follow the link to read the whole article featured in the Septemberedition of the Romanian’s monthly financial publicationMarketWatch.