
2010 - Allevo

BIS Workshop Series 2010 – No. 1

Treasury, Cash Management and Operations Managers from BigCorporates and Banks honored our invitation. The presentationsgenerated an informal dialogue with our business analysts. For moredetails read our blog article.

User Group 16

BIS’ conference room guested the 16th edition of the Users Groupevent.

We gathered the member-institutions of BIS’ solutions UsersGroup and we were honored also by the participation ofrepresentatives from the Romanian Banking Association, TransFonDand a partner solution provider acting in the European market. Ourpartner solution provider’s presentation, Swissrisk, is availableupon request.


1. Cristina Cioroboiu ( BIS ) – SWIFT Standards, EPC &TransFond regulations

2. Dan Anghelescu ( BIS ) – Licensing risk & BISprojects

3. Grigore Cioroboiu ( BIS ) – PAYaaS

4. Corina Mihalache ( BIS ) – qPayIntegrator AML filteringfeature

5. Liliana Dafinca ( SwissRisc Financial Systems )- FinTRACE

6. Conclusions

BIS Workshop Series 2010 – No. 4

The announced subjects gathered banks and corporatesrepresentatives, CFOs and departmental managers from: Treasury,Transactions & Operations, Cash management. We’ve been honoredby the presence of our SWIFT Country Manager and the ANEIR’sCounselor (Romanian Exporters and Importers NationalAssociation).

The presentations delivered by our business analysts and by theSenior Account Director from SWIFT on these themes were thestarting point of interesting discussions.

For more details read our blog article.