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Monthly Posts: March

Future Domestic Payments as Single Euro Payments Area


We’re proud to be the initiators of the Romanian SEPA Conferences Series, in May 2008. Since then, BIS had an increasingly active role, not only by organizing, sponsoring and delivering technical & business presentations, but also by hosting several workshops on SEPA. You probably read about those at their time, here on the blog or on our company’s site.

The Series continued with the
4th SEPA Conference on the 16th of March
organized by FinMedia and the Romanian Banking Association and, of course, we were there.
Panelists representing the main Romanian official bodies involved in the project discussed the status of the project, the legal framework or stated their point of view. Special guests from SWIFT, the Romanian Banking Association -coordinator of the project for SEPA implementation at the national level, the National Bank of Romania and TransFonD had valuable presentations.
Business Information Systems participated with two interesting presentations on creation & responsibility and on BIS’ already achieved certifications/capabilities for the coming SEPA needs of the market (find this conference’s panels and our presentations on our website).
If additional information is needed in the Romanian financial market, we’ll strive to be the first to provide it.
So keep in touch with us, with our business analysts, with our briefings and workshops!