
Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: October

Sibos Day 5

Now we can easily say that’s all,folks, for Sibos 2010. All that remained for us to do for today wasgather our stuff and prepare for take off, keeping a bit of timeaside for touring Amsterdam’s centre, as the past week was way toocrowded to be able to include any visiting or long walks around thetown.
We’re looking forward toexhibiting in Toronto next year, September 19-23!

Sibos Day 4


Before SWIFT officially closed thedoors of Sibos 2010, we had the opportunity of stating ourexperience in implementing the Workers’ Remittances solution in amain conference session, “Workers’ remittances: Your global platform forperson-to-person payments“.

Sorin Guiman (our CEO) has acceptedthe invitation of joining the panel put together by Michael Whyte,Senior Market Manager, Banking Market, SWIFT.

SWIFT’s Workers’ Remittances service provides banks with thebusiness and technical platform to support cross-borderperson-to-person payments. The service allows banks to scale uptheir bilateral network quickly and easily and offer best-in-classlevels of service to consumers. It allows any retail product orchannel to be enabled for person-to-person payments, whileremaining commercially and brand neutral.

The session and the presentation ofour solution had a great impact on the participants who rushed toour stand to find out more details and see the demo of our workers’remittances solution, right before the Closing Plenary.

Later in the evening, we’ve spentour evening in a more relaxing atmosphere within the RAI exhibitioncentre, where SWIFT organized the Sibos closing event. A chance toget more familiar with our customers and partners and to say ourgoodbyes to the ones we may not get to see again in 2010.