
Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: November

November and BIS turns 12yo

November is the month we addanother year to our presence in the financial scenery. BusinessInformation Systems is now 12 years old.
We started out as a handful ofpeople, most of them being the founders, in a small Bucharestoffice. Almost all of them are still with BIS today, having built avaluable team of more than 50 people. The company’s target marketwas chosen upfront: banking and financial instutionsindustry.

A lot has been invested in training and certifying team members,earning internationally certifications worthy not only of our hallof fame, but also of direct interest to our customers. Thus, by2007, we gathered on the SWIFT front alone certifiedcompetences on TARGET2, Cash Reporting, SEPA – BulkPayments, Trade Services, Corporate, Funds, SWIFTAlliance RMA.Also, we have technical personnel certified on Tivoli, Euclid,Microsoft, IBM, ORACLE products and suites.

At company level, we achieved IS 9001 quality managementsystem certificate and renewed it every 2 years for the pastdecade. We’ve also been struggling for 3 years now with reachingCMMI level 2 compliance, and we eventually have and are nowaiming for CMMI level 3 in the upcoming years.

In 2003 we created the first version of our payment hub,qPayIntegrator, implementing it at 6 banks in the following year.Then after we’ve continuously improved both customer supportservices and this product, adding new features and modules asrequired by our customers or as designed by us. These includeprocessing facilities for low and high value payments,direct debit, debit instruments, SEPA, workers’ remittances andfeatures for accounts reconciliation, duplicatedetection, AML, liquidity reporting, multi-currency,competitive reporting. This year we’ve launched the version “as aservice” of this payment hub, PAYaaS.

Since 2008 we’ve exhibited at every Sibos, breaking the ice on theinternational market. Organising and publicly speaking atconferences both in Bucharest and at the financial community’sbiggest event created awareness of our name, solution and servicesportfolio.

So these are, very briefly, the 12 years of Business InformationSystems’ life. For the near future we plan finishing the longrebranding process we’ve embarked on, thus becoming Allevo,exhibiting again at EBADay and Sibos Toronto, releasing thecomplete version of qPayIntegrator as a Service and taking newchallenges and opportunities as the unroll.