
Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: August

Open source in the world of financial transactions processing?


Allevo organizes a round-table (participation is by invitationonly) at Sibos on Tuesday, September 20th, 09:30 room 201D,debating the commoditization of the payment industry and theopportunity of an open source engine for financial transactionsprocessing.

The topic is finding common grounds of collaboration forcreating a community interested in implementing the open sourcemodel for financial transactions processing.

There are a few invitations left, so, if you’re interested inattending, leave a comment or send me an email at ioana dot guimanat allevo dot ro before Sept.10th (make sure to leave name &email). The first 5 interested in having a seat at this round-tablewill receive one of the available invitations.

For those of you not physically attending Sibos this year, butregistered at mysibos.com, we’ve built a virtual stand on theplatform provided by SWIFT this year (Virtual Sibos). So, if you’renot in Toronto but are interested to find out more on how we seethis open source approach in this industry, our virtualrepresentatives can help you out and answer any questions.

At Sibos, the team will be almost non-stop available for a chataround this initiative, so do dare approach!

Allevo Exhibitor at Sibos


We’re just a month away from our fourth Sibosparticipation as an exhibitor.

As in Vienna in 2008, Hong Kong in 2009 and Amsterdamin 2010, this year in Toronto we have tried to stick as much aspossible to our traditions regarding events and give-aways.

Mark our stand number in your Sibos Agenda:C111

We will be pleased to show and share information onour newest solutions:

  • Financial transactions processing – SaaS edition
  • Workers’ Remittances SWIFT based solution
  • Financial transactions consolidation for corporations
  • Open source financial transactions processing concept
  • Biometric (signature based) control of sensitiveoperations
  • Payment processing solution tailored for publicinstitutions

 Come visit us for concept presentations,solutions demos, Romanian souvenirs, or just for a friendlychat!

 Everyday, at 5p.m. sharp, we welcome everyone in our booth for a few moments ofrespiro over a glass of carefully selected Romanian wine.

 Tuesday 20 Sept 2011, 9:30 – 10:45a.m.

save the date in your agenda to attend ourCommunity session onInternational interoperability and open sharedresources, which takes place in meeting room 201D.The session is followed by a small reception, where all our guestswill be able to exchange ideas and start connecting with each otherover a snack and some drinks.

By: Corina Cornea Tagged: Sibos 2011Leave comment