
Process Improvement

Capability Maturity Model® Integration (CMMI)

Allevo deepened its processes knowledge by implementing Capability Maturity Model® Integration (CMMI) Level 2, targeting maturity level 3; this project was granted co-financing by USAID in 2006 and PHARE in 2007.

Motto: Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives. William A Foster

A History of Quality Management Continuous Improvement

Around 2006 we decided to adopt the CMMI model best practices for the project management, development, maintenance and services activities that cover the product lifecycle from conception through delivery, support and maintenance.

It is well known that implementing CMMI practices in a small setting is quite a challenge. Our allies on the path to CMMI Level 3 have been so far, in a random order, automation, standardization of processes, a dedicated managerial support, training and involvement of all people in the organization, state-of-the art technologies.

Most of the solutions and valuable improvement ideas have been proposed by project teams. The most notable are related to creating our own innovative tools: for the synchronization of requirements word document with Team Foundation Server records, measurement automation, improvement monitoring, preparing Scampi evaluations, for creating a collaborative environment, etc.


In 2009 our Product Development, Services Management, Process Improvement and Quality Departments have attained the Level 2 of the Capability Maturity Model® Integration (CMMI) V 1.2 from Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute. The appraisal was performed by a team of 5 specialists led by Mr. Marcelo Amadio, Lead Appraiser. The appraisal covered six process areas:

Requirements Management

Project Planning

Project Monitoring and Control

Configuration Management

Measurement and Analysis

Product and Process Quality Assurance – including over 100 implemented practices.

Formalized processes implemented and managed mean one could deal better with an unstable business environment. Nowadays, we have adopted a strategy of small steps, appropriate for the crisis environment in which we perform.

Think progress, not perfection and aim to slowly improve your practices and behaviors.

As a next important step towards CMMI level 3, we have decided to improve our Verification and Validation processes. Besides appropriate training and certifications, we have a new project in place to embed in the products automated testing to increase the quality of our product and our customers trust.

Find out more by reading our blog article A History Of Quality Management Continuous Improvement.