
Licensing Models

Allevo offers flexible, cost-effective licensing models for its product suites, directly addressing customer business needs.

Pricing and purchasing

For pricing and purchasing information please contact our sales department.


The CAPEX model implies a one-time charge which offers access to a live and a test instance of the product. This type of perpetual license is available for the entire product set –  qPayIntegrator, FMA and Esfera.


The OPEX is a pay as you go model, fit for processing centers which offer hosted-managed financial services to both banks and corporation treasuries. This type of license allows complete scalability of cost in relation to usage.

For FinTP Project adopters who want to benefit of guaranteed SLA terms and of a release compliant with latest regulations and updates of various standards, Allevo licenses FinTP compiled binaries.

Open source

FinTP Project is the first application released by Allevo under freeGNU GPL v3 license.

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