
Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: September

Sibos codes in Amsterdam


They say third time is a charm; well, inAmsterdam, it’s the third time we’re exhibiting atSibos, preparing for at least same success as inVienna and Hong Kong.

Our Sibos team’s life in four weeks from now will be fully coded.Stand Code – B202; Dress Code –Office; SWIFT Partner Code –SPXAROBU; Visitors Codes –Demos/Presentations; Giveaways Code –Tradition; Offered Wine Code – BlackMaiden; Program Code – Scheduled. More,each day during Sibos, the luckiest eight of our visitors will beoffered a special gift, a beautiful hand-made glassicon, from a North Romanian Monastery.
So come and visit us, book a meeting before the event starts orjust drop by, it will be our pleasure to welcome you in ourstand.
If you’d like to meet us on Wednesday the27th morning, come first in Community4 to attend our session within “Brought to you bythe Community”, 9.00-10.30, whereimportant panelists will debate and then answer yourquestions on the subject “Streamlining the FinancialSupply Chain Ecosystem” (details in Sibos Programhere)
Further, on Thursday, the 28th, comeand see the SWIFT debate on Workers’ Remittances, we’ll have apanellist here (who’ll share our team’s experience on developingthe concept into a bankers’ business tool, banking andtechnological trends, lessons learned in discussing thisopportunity with our customers), in Community1, 11.00-12.30,”Workers’ Remittances:Your global platform for person-to-personpayments” (details in Sibos Program here).
In the end, let me wish you all good luck, safetrip and see youthere! You’re invited, no codesrequired….

Person-to-person payments? Speed and security by our validated WR solution

Workers’ Remittances are generally defined as cross-border, person-to-person payments of relatively low-value. It’s about any type of payment product or channel (account, cash, cards), including mobile payments; the qPI-WR feature of qPayIntegrator ensures the collections, processing and distribution of remittances using WR pacs.

As a successful result of a several months work in this direction, BIS’ team passed the Technical and Functional Validation for the qPayIntegrator suite within the

SWIFT certification programme SWIFTReady Workers’ Remittances.

This accomplishment will be stated in a Letter of Conformity that’s on our way.
We are at the service of any interested commercial bank to fulfill the required certification tests.