
Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: December

Season Greetings from Allevo


Dear customers, colleagues andfriends,

As we are sure it is no news to you bynow, the Holidays are coming As we all await Christmas and New Year, maybe we can takepause for a couple of minutes and reflect on the year past as wellas on the year to come.

And along with self-reflection comes hopeand willingness that we shall continue to do our best by you, ourcustomers, our partners, our colleagues and moreover our friends.That we shall continue to build important things together, that weshall succeed in fulfilling all of our goals, that we shallovercome together, as a team, any challenge might step in ourway.

But before we talk about the future, wethink it is time to thank you for all your continuous support, foryour trust, for your close cooperation. So here’s a huge THANK YOUfrom us to you.

Being so blessed makes us feel the need togive back. And sometimes we do so to those who most need it. Thiswinter, Allevo’s representatives participated, bearing gifts, tothe Aurora Center Christmas Party. The Aurora Centerprovides special education for children with serious neuromotordisabilities. And we plan to sustain our involvement in the yearsto come.

So let us all embrace the New Year andfind together the inspiration for greater things.

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas to all and toall a wonderful New Year!

Sincerely yours,

Allevo – the Team

By: Ioana Moldovan Not tagged Leave comment