Monthly Posts: August
Allevo at Sibos Osaka 2012
What’s NEW this year? FinTP and FINkers United, that’s what’s new!
Our project FinTP gravitates around the bold idea of developing an open source application for financial transactions processing and a creative community around it. Allevo is strongly committed to publish, under free-open licensing terms, its own financial transactions processing engine – which capitalizes on a seven years practice proven operation.
Flashback for those not at speed with the FinTP developments: The launch of FinTP and the FINkers United community was marked on May 24th in a totally new and unique experience both for Allevo and for the participants to the event Allevo has organized. This was the first unconferenced event the Romanian financial arena has seen and a huge success, scoring an incredible NPS (net promoter score) of 93%!
Therefore, if innovation is something you believe in, if building together an open platform for financial transactions processing sounds appealing, I, along with the other members of our Sibos team, invite you to visit Allevo’s stand 3B11, Hall 3 to discuss our FinTP project.
Now, passing to main Allevo events, there are two sessions that you don’t wanna miss:
Community Session: Agile Financial Inclusion
Tuesday, 30 October, 09:30-10:30, Community Room 2
Innotribe session about the major cultural tectonic shifts that are underpinning and driving the hyper-connected economy and are the understream of deep organizational changes. We witness the birth of new economies based on hyper-connected organizations, exposure of core competence through APIs, horizontal sourcing versus vertical integration, Peer-To-Peer (P2P) sharing of data, Open Source developments, and activated humans that act from their true selves and lead into a new practice for value creation.
Wanna know what else you can do while at Allevo’s stand?