
Allevo blog

Monthly Posts: January

e-Finance Awards Gala 10th Edition January 23rd, 2013


Oh, dear, time really does fly!I had second thoughts about starting the post with this phrase, butit describes exactly how I felt. First, because yesterday eveningthere was the 10 edition ofe-Finance’s Awards Gala and it seems like onlyyesterday I wrote about its 9 ceremony. And second, because Allevo receivedthis year the e-10 years award, granted for excellence andglobal performances over the last decade.

OVER THE LAST DECADE… Makes youthink. From a person’s point of view I guess this award might makeyou feel old, but for a company likeus, I believe the correct word is mature. And maybe it comes toremind us that we have grown over these years, we have learned alot, we have discovered plenty, we have changed, we have evolved.We have served our customers with professionalism, we have gainedexperience from every relationship with our partners, we have foundthe courage to initiate the first open distribution project forfinancial transactions processing. We have done all these things,even if now it seems like time just flied

Thank you e-Finance for remindingus.

By: Ioana Moldovan Not tagged Leave comment

New Year’s Resolutions


As it is my first post thisyear, I cannot start without wishing all our readers a Happy NewYear. And as we survived another predicted end of theworld , wecan start making plans for the future.

2012 has brought a fewmilestones in Allevo’s history: the official launch of our FinTP projectand the beginning of Allevo’s radical change of its business modelto fit into this new open distribution scenery, the birth of the FINkers United community, another successful SIBOS exhibitorparticipation, the commencement of a technical cooperation projectin support of FinTP under the Enterprise Growth Programme (EGP) of the EBRD, the increase in our registered capitaland assets, the migration of our customers to qPayIntegrator v3, and these just to mentionthe most important ones. Oh, and not to forget, that the firstedition of our FINkers United event was the first”unconference” event the Romanian financial industry has everwitnessed in Bucuresti.

And if innovation and agilitymarked Allevo’s evolution in 2012, we can do no less than tocontinue on this path in 2013. I can’t promise we’ll be better, butI can say that no effort will be too big to stand in the way ofwhat we try to accomplish. And we want to see the FINKers Unitedcommunity grow, the FinTP project improve and rise, our peopleenthusiastic and motivated, our customers satisfied, our blog readby more and more people (this one is on me… andyou).