Piata Financiara – Allevo 2018

Allevo covers hot topics in the financial industry in a series of articles published in Piata Financiara throughout 2018.

Brief history: 

  • Allevo articles published in 2012, 2013 and 2014
  • Allevo articles published in 2015
  • Allevo articles published in 2016
  • Allevo articles published in 2017


And here is the article collection for 2018 (Romanian language):

Article Piata Financiara September 2018

Article Piata Financiara May 2018

Article Piata Financiara April 2018

Article Piata Financiara February 2018


Business Information Systems exhibited at EBADay 2010 inLuxembourg.

Latest business opportunities & developments and appropriatesolutions to ensure proper involvement of all stakeholders in theSEPA project were presented to the visitors.


SWIFT Business Forum Romania 4th edition

Banking and  financial services – a space for collaboration and innovation


The Romanian Banking Association, SWIFT, Finmedia and Allevo organize the 4th edition of SWIFT Business Forum Romania, the 7 November 2013 at Intercontinental Hotel Bucharest, Ronda Ballroom.

The agenda of the event includes a session dedicated to the impact of new regulations on the financial-banking system and to the projects of the Romania banking and financial community, both in payments and securities areas, in the context of the European initiatives.

News about SWIFT and partners solutions and services will be presented in short interactive parallel sessions, the final session of the Forum being dedicated to the innovation in the banking and financial industry.

Presentations will be delivered in English, with simultaneous translation into Romanian.

Please check the event’s agenda

Enjoy the SWIFT Business Forum 2013 promo:

Security Risks in Cyber Space

Only a few days after her return from Sibos, Corina Mihalache has been invited as a keynote speaker at a conference organized by Oxygen Events on the Security risks in cyber space.

Security Risks in Cyber Space

Below is her presentation:

Finmedia’s Romanian Capital Gala

End of April comes with yet another award for Allevo. During the 2nd edition of the Romanian Capital Gala, a Finmedia event held on April 29th, 2013, we were proud to receive the diploma for “The sole zonal SWIFT certified partner, with 100% Romanian capital, dedicated provider of payment systems, business continuity and process management solutions and services, addressing corporate banking and treasury”. It was quite cool to be nominated as one of the Romanian capital champions.

Here is the diploma and of course, you can read more on the blog.

Romanian Capital Gala Award

SEPA Conference 4

The 4th SEPA Conference was sponsored by Business Information Systems.


09:30 – 10:00 Introductive session – Radu Negrea (ARB), Razvan Vartolomei ( BNR ), Bogdan Dragoi ( MoPF ), Mirela Palade (TransFonD)

10:00 – 11:30 “SEPA at European & Romanian level” – Rodica Tuchila ( ARB ) “Acomplishments and perspectives on SEPA implementation” – Constantin Rotaru (BNR)”SEPA Implementation” – Sorin Guiman ( BIS )

12:00 – 13:00 “SWIFT Solutions” – Marc Pomes Bordedebat (SWIFT) “Payments infrastructures connectivity solutions” – Corina Mihalache (BIS)

Gala of e-Finance Awards 2010

The partnership between Business Information Systems and Raiffeisen Bank Romania has been awarded, at the Gala of e-Finance Prizes.

The e-Support Prize for the first Romanian Anti Money Laundering software deployed solution – handling large transaction volume.

Ion Stirbat, Director Sales & Marketing, Member of the Board, BIS and Ionel Fierascu – Director, Compliance Directorate, Raiffeisen Bank Romania received the prizes on behalf of the two winner companies.

Romanian SWIFT User Group Meeting

Dan Anghelescu, BIS Operations Manager, took over the stage at the Romanian SWIFT User Group Meeting, which gathered representatives of SWIFT – EMEA area and Romanian SWIFT users -banks that are members of the Romanian Banks Association.

Banking 365 – The future and security of electronic payments

Allevo was invited as one of the partners of the Banking 365 – The future and security of electronic payments event, organized on October 16th, by Oxygen Events with the support of the Romanian Banking Association.

The conference debated on: current regulations concerning electronic payments, what do the future and security of electronic payments look like, online paltforms and new technologies, electronic currency, etc.

Allevo, through our business analyst, Andrei Dutescu, brough the perspective of the application provider in the discussion on payment systems and their security and presented the concept behind Allevo’s project BOOST – Banking On Open Source Technologies.

LOAD (Linux Open Alternative Days)

TechHub hosted on October 23rd the Linux Open Alternative Days (LOAD), an already traditional event dedicated to Linux and open source technologies, which has reached its 9th edition this year.

As LOAD is meant to create a strong community among supporters of the open source philosophy, there was no better place to present the FINkers United open source community and the project it is built around, FinTP.

Therefore, we delegated Denisa Agatie, also a co-founder of FINkers United and member in its board, to talk to the audience about this project and the challenges of creating and maintaining an open source community in the FinTech space.

Banking Summit: Banking 365 – Bank of The Future

Oxygen Events have organized on June 19, with the support of the Romanian Banking Association and The World Bank, the banking summit Banking 365: Bank of The Future.

Allevo was invited to be among the panelists and our own Ioana Guiman, Business Development talked to the participants about BOOST – Banking on Open Source Today. As the financial services industry has already started to look into adopting open source solutions there where no competitive advantage can be gained, this was Allevo’s call to become part of a community focused on developing solutions for processing payments and financial transactions through open collaboration and sharing of knowledge in between industry peers.

You can read more about our open source project on our website or on the FinTP webpage.

e-Finance Awards Gala 11th edition – January 28, 2014

For the 6th year in a row, Allevo has been among the winners at the e-Finance Awards Gala. For the 11th edition, held yesterday, January 28, we have been awarded the e-initiative prize for our decision to publish the code of our financial transactions platform, FinTP, under GPL v3 license and for reshaping our business model to better accommodate the adoption of the open source one.

This year’s gala was under the mark of innovation. Everybody was talking about creative ideas, courage, fresh aproaches. And of course, FinTP was one of them, a premiere on the financial market.

We thank e-Finance for this award and we congratulate all the winners.

Business Information Systems, in partnershipwith Microsoft has successfully completed the migration of qPayIntegrator paymenthub on Microsoft® BizTalk® Accelerator forSWIFT.

BIS and Microsoft will jointly propose the banksand corporations attending Sibos 2008 to prepare their businesscompliance on SEPA and on Target2, by using the SWIFTReady Application SEPA 2008 solution qPayIntegrator.

Join us at our stand C218 for a live demo and a debate/discussionwith our SWIFT certified consultants.

Find out more about Microsoft BizTalk Server.



Finalizarea proiectului “Extinderea afacerii BIS pepiata internationala a solutiilor IT de efectuare a tranzactiilorfinanciare, prin participarea cu stand propriu la conferintamondiala SIBOS 09 Hong-Kong”

S.C. Business Information Systems (BIS) S.R.L. a finalizatîn data de 20.10.2009 activitatile prevazute în contractului definantare nr. 25i/ 20.05.2009 cu Ministerul Întreprinderilor Micisi Mijlocii, Comertului si Mediului de afaceri. Proiectula avut ca rezultat asigurarea unei componente importante dinstrategia de internationalizare a companiei Business InformationSystems (BIS) S.R.L. prin participarea cu stand propriu sipromovarea la conferinta mondiala si târgul international SIBOS 09- Hong Kong, ceea ce va permite extinderea afacerii companiei pepiata externa cu oferta proprie din domeniul solutiilor IT deefectuare a tranzactiilor financiare. Prin realizarea proiectuluise preconizeaza o crestere a cifrei de afaceri cu 40% în urmatorii3 ani, asigurarea celor 49 locuri de munca existente si crearea a 6noi locuri de munca în cadrul companiei.

Proiectul, care primestefinantare din Fondul European de DezvoltareRegionala Programul OperationalSectorial “Cresterea Competitivitatii Economice” (Axa Prioritara 1 “Un sistem inovativsi ecoeficient de productie”, Domeniul de interventie 1.1 -“Investitii productive si pregatirea pentru competitia pe piata aîntreprinderilor, în special a IMM”, Operatiunea 1.1.3 – “Sprijinpentru accesul pe noi piete si internationalizare”), afost implementat în perioada iunie 2009 – octombrie2009, la sediul BIS din Bucuresti, Calea Vitan 23C, sector 3, si înHong-Kong, la conferinta SIBOS 09.

S.C. Business Information Systems (BIS)S.R.L. are ca obiect de activitate dezvoltarea software-ului deaplicatii si servicii conexe în domeniul solutiilor pentruefectuarea tranzactiilor financiare

Valoarea totala finala aproiectului a fost de 328.255,40 lei, din care valoarea finantariinerambursabile solicitate (din Fondul European deDezvoltare Regionala si Bugetul National) este de187.178,25 lei.


Allevo User Group – 21st Edition, Bucharest, December 12, 2012

On 12.12.12 🙂 we gathered for the Allevo’s 21st User Group. Therefore, I would like to thank all our customers who have been by our side all this time, whose collaboration and suggestions helped us improve our products and services over the years.
We talked about qPayIntegrator v3 and its implementation status within our customer base; we had a vivid discussion on current and future TransFonD SEPA projects (SCT, SDD and the implementation of settlement mechanism for RON using the SEPA scheme), engaging the TransFonD representatives who contributed by adding clarity and qualitative analysis to the business context. We have also presented the highlights of Allevo’s participation at Sibos Osaka this fall and last, but not least, we have laid down the updates and news concerning the FinTP project.

You can read the entire article on our blog.

Allevo User Group – 20th Edition, Bucharest, April 6, 2012

On April 6, Hilton Hotel has hosted the 20 edition of Allevo’s User Group.

Besides the usual user group specific information consisting of news and improvements coming with the third version of our qPay Integrator solution, our agenda featured two hopefully interesting topics: one is the near future launch of SiT! – Allevo’s new helpdesk application that is intended to help us help you; and the other one is FinTP – Allevo’s open source initiative that has already developed into a thoroughly documented project.

Please visit our blog to read more about the topics discussed at the user group and to collect the thanks to all who have been standing by our side through our entire joined qPayIntegrator experience.

The launch of SEPA System for RON payments, Bucharest, November 21, 2012

Yesterday, November 21st, 2012,Finmedia organized, with the support of the National Bank ofRomania and in partnership with the Romanian Banking Association(ARB), TransFonD and Allevo, the official launch of SEPA system forRON payments.

All the majorplayers were present in the opening panel: the National Bank -represented by Vice Governor Mr. Bogdan Olteanu, the Romanian BankingAssociation – with its President Mr. Radu Gratian Ghetea, theMinistry of Public Finance – through Mr.Laurentiu Andrei, Deputy General Director, TransFonD – Mr. Sabin Carantina, GeneralDirector. And among these giants, Allevo was there, the only”non-financial” partner of the event, to speak to the audienceabout agility and financial inclusion, as our representative,Corina Mihalache, Business Analysis Director,  prepared forthe audience a lively presentation.

You can read theentire article on our blog.

SWIFT CEE Regional Conference, Vienna, June 4-6, 2012

As accustomed for the past fewyears, Allevo’s delegation will be present at SWIFT’s CEE Regional Conference, held inVienna. Moreover, our CEO, Sorin Guiman is part of the innovation plenary panel, to share his opinionon whether successful innovation is crucial for financialmarket participants as they strive to capitalize on newopportunities in the current challenging and changing financiallandscape, on how it is not simple to innovate and experiment whilealso retaining the highest levels of security, resilience andreliability.

An answer to the panel questions “Sohow can banks innovate to stay ahead of the game? And is innovationaccessible for market participants of all sizes and in allcountries?” might be our FinTP project, the opens source application forfinancial transactions processing.

We”ll come back withimpressions from the conference, so do follow our blog.



Participarea BIS la SIBOS 2009 Hong-Kong”, cofinantata din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regionalaprin Programul Operational Sectorial “Cresterea Competitivitatii Economice”

S.C. Business Information Systems (BIS) S.R.L. si OI/ AM Ministerul Întreprinderilor Mici si Mijlocii, Comertului si Mediului de afaceri, au semnat în20.05.2009 contractul de finantare pentru un proiect care va aveaca rezultat asigurarea unei componente importante din strategia deinternationalizare a companiei Business Information Systems (BIS) S.R.L. prin participarea cu stand propriu si promovarea laconferinta internationala SIBOS 09 – Hong Kong.

Finantarea din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regionala prin Programul Operational Sectorial “Cresterea Competitivittaii Economice”, operatiunea “Sprijin pentru accesul pe noi piete si internationalizare” are ca obiectiv sprijinirea dezvoltarii durabile a IMM-urilor, în vederea realizarii obiectivului general al POS CCE privind cresterea reprezentativitatii produselor din România pe pietele externe, în conformitate cu principiile dezvoltarii durabile si reducerea decalajelor în comparatie cu productivitatea medie a Uniunii Europene.

Avand adoptate tehnologiile de vârf si standardele de facto impuse la nivel european si la nivelul industriei de plati, BIS isi consolideaza pozitia de competitor de succes pe piata Uniunii Europene si nu numai, aplicând strategia de internationalizare, în cadrul careia proiectul de participare custand propriu si promovare la conferinta internationala SIBOS 2009 -Hong Kong reprezinta un pas important.