
2012 - Allevo

The launch of SEPA System for RON payments, Bucharest, November 21, 2012

Yesterday, November 21st, 2012,Finmedia organized, with the support of the National Bank ofRomania and in partnership with the Romanian Banking Association(ARB), TransFonD and Allevo, the official launch of SEPA system forRON payments.

All the majorplayers were present in the opening panel: the National Bank -represented by Vice Governor Mr. Bogdan Olteanu, the Romanian BankingAssociation – with its President Mr. Radu Gratian Ghetea, theMinistry of Public Finance – through Mr.Laurentiu Andrei, Deputy General Director, TransFonD – Mr. Sabin Carantina, GeneralDirector. And among these giants, Allevo was there, the only”non-financial” partner of the event, to speak to the audienceabout agility and financial inclusion, as our representative,Corina Mihalache, Business Analysis Director,  prepared forthe audience a lively presentation.

You can read theentire article on our blog.

SWIFT CEE Regional Conference, Vienna, June 4-6, 2012

As accustomed for the past fewyears, Allevo’s delegation will be present at SWIFT’s CEE Regional Conference, held inVienna. Moreover, our CEO, Sorin Guiman is part of the innovation plenary panel, to share his opinionon whether successful innovation is crucial for financialmarket participants as they strive to capitalize on newopportunities in the current challenging and changing financiallandscape, on how it is not simple to innovate and experiment whilealso retaining the highest levels of security, resilience andreliability.

An answer to the panel questions “Sohow can banks innovate to stay ahead of the game? And is innovationaccessible for market participants of all sizes and in allcountries?” might be our FinTP project, the opens source application forfinancial transactions processing.

We”ll come back withimpressions from the conference, so do follow our blog.