We’re using here the term “match” in both most common meanings: match as a debate and match as a compliance/adjustments situation between several features/appearances.
First, the debate meaning: we’re debating, within the team, with our suppliers and with our consultants. There’s not about ‘who’s stronger’ here, but ‘who’s right’ helps, ‘who’s prompt’ helps even more.
We’ve promptly updated our partners’ information about us. Some needed only to make sure we’re the same, legally, technically, team-ly. And we are. Some (just a few) needed additional documents to the contracts we’ve agreed previously to this moment.
Then, all the other elements you’ve read about in the previous episodes are completed.
Everything is just ready, the Public Announcement is prepared to be sent, the addressees’ list is waiting to proceed.
Everything but the new site. It’s hard rock. Oops! Did I say rock? Well, beside being a hard rock, it’s hard work . We’re continuously improving its looks, updating its content. We aim for perfection and this is also a match with everyone’s personal limits.
Secondly, the matching meaning as in synchronizing all actions in the rebranding process. The Public Announcement would lead our partners to the new site. Knowing everybody expects to see the new ‘us’, by accessing it, we want the site to meet the high expectations.
One needs to see the new visual identity and, further more, how this will be reflected in one’s collaboration with us, in the idea of evolving, enriching it.
Finally, the match point, we’re introducing the new brand by organizing the
“Allevo Launching Event“
which will be a balanced combination of short speeches, wine tasting, contemporary author dedications session, refined refreshments & snacks, all with a discreet music background. All of these must also be well matched and performed in less than a month….