Efficient reconciliation solution deployed at BCR (Erste Bank Group)

Using Allevo real-time reconciliation solution, BCR reduces costs and increases operational control


For the past 5 years Allevo has successfully developed, implemented and improved in BCR, an important member of ERSTE Bank Group,ReconS, a qPayIntegrator feature designed for matching and providing automated NOSTRO and VOSTRO accounts reconciliation.

ReconS embeds a rich set of reporting templates (including intraday liquidity reports) for a thorough operations control and provides exceptions management support. ReconS reconciles NOSTRO SWIFT statements with the general ledger (GL) items and provides matching functionality depending on the percentage of the satisfied criteria.

High-quality matches can be confirmed automatically by ReconS, while for the others, the account reconciliation officer is provided with a resolution path to find the underlying reason,enabling them to take accurate decisions.

Allevo solution helps BCR reduce exposure to risks and gain visibility of their operations through reconciliation, while increasing productivity and taking full control over the core of their financial processes.

The solution also contributes to the achievement of an effective risk management and compliance controls through automation of accounts’ reconciliation processes.

“Using Allevo ReconS extension and teaming with Allevo professionals enabled us to provide our customers the confidence that we effectively control our operations. The reconciliation feature assisted our teams to build stronger operational control in a cost effective manner and fulfilled our business needs”,states Mariana Popovici, BCR Shared Service Division Executive Director.

“We know from experience that efficient reconciliation processes are critical to delivering effective and truly client-centric operations, leading to a wider coverage of the bank’s targeted market” says Sorin Guiman, CEO Allevo.

Now we can easily say that’s all, folks, for Sibos 2010. All that remained for us to do for today was gather our stuff and prepare for take off, keeping a bit of time aside for touring Amsterdam’s center, as the past week was way too crowded to be able to include any visiting or long walks around the town.


We’re looking forward to exhibiting in Toronto next year, September 19-23!


By: Alina Enache


Mr Sorin Guiman, Business Information Systems’ CEO, has accepted the invitation of joining the panel of a brought to you by SWIFT session, “Workers’ remittances: Your global platform for person-to-person payments”, taking place Thursday 28 October, 11:00 – 12:30,Community 1.

Main conference session

SWIFT’s Workers’ Remittances service provides banks with the business and technical platform to support cross-border person-to-person payments. The service allows banks to scale up their bilateral network quickly and easily and offer best-in-class levels of service to consumers. It allows any retail product or channel to be enabled for person-to-person payments, while remaining commercially and brand neutral.

In this session, participants in the service will share their experiences in deploying the platform, and examine its potential for both traditional and emerging person-to-person products, such as mobile remittances.


Michael Whyte (Moderator), Senior Market Manager, Banking Market, SWIFT
Duarte Pitta Ferraz, Managing Director, International Division, Millennium BCP
Ramiro Munoz, Director of Product Management, Citi
Sorin Guiman, CEO Business Information Systems

Sorin Guiman (our CEO) has accepted the invitation of joining the panel put together by Michael Whyte, Senior Market Manager, Banking Market, SWIFT.

SWIFT’s Workers’ Remittances service provides banks with the business and technical platform to support cross-border person-to-person payments. The service allows banks to scale up their bilateral network quickly and easily and offer best-in-class levels of service to consumers. It allows any retail product or channel to be enabled for person-to-person payments, while remaining commercially and brand neutral.

The session and the presentation of our solution had a great impact on the participants who rushed to our stand to find out more details and see the demo of our workers’ remittances solution, right before the Closing Plenary.


Later in the evening, we’ve spent our evening in a more relaxing atmosphere within the RAI exhibition center, where SWIFT organized the Sibos closing event. A chance to get more familiar with our customers and partners and to say our goodbyes to the ones we may not get to see again in 2010.



Using Allevo transactions filtering solution, Raiffeisen Bank Romania reduces exposure to terrorism financing activities for domestic payments


Allevo and Raiffeisen Bank Romania have successfully developed and implemented the first Romanian software solution for real-time, online transactions filtering on the local market dedicated to banks with large transaction volumes.

The solution screens the local payments instruments that present a certain degree of risk, offering the possibility to analyze them and to take the required decision of authorizing or rejecting the payment before the actual funds’ transfer.

Allevo solution helps Raiffeisen Bank Romania eliminate the risk of financing terrorist activities and, at the same time, meet the regulatory requirements of both local and international legislation related to this sensitive compliance aspect.

The solution ensures transactions filtering for low value domestic transactions on qPayIntegrator, using various lists (official sanctions lists and bank’s internal lists) that can be easily customized and managed by the bank and provides the compliance teams with an efficient way to analyze suspicious messages and take faster decisions. The screening feature is fully integrated in the payments’ business flows, providing a rich set of specific statistics and reports.

“Using the transaction filtering extension of qPayIntegrator and teaming with Allevo professionals enabled us to ensure an efficient filtering technology to eliminate the risk of terrorism financing for domestic low value payments, and consequently to provide increased protection of the funds transfer” states Mr. Ionel Fierascu, Compliance Director in Raiffeisen Bank Romania.

“The powerful anti-terrorism financing features have facilitated the timely alignment of the bank’s operations to the market regulations and fulfilled the bank’s business needs, leading further on to its clients’ business protection” says Sorin Guiman, CEO Allevo.

The highlight of our 3rd day in Sibos was the special interest session hosted by BIS – “Streamlining the Financial Supply Chain Ecosystem” a session brought to you by the community.

We are looking to the business enrichment the main players of the financial supply chain (commercial banks and public administration) might offer to their customers (corporate and individuals). We approach the operational risk containment by:

1. liquidity management (reporting and forecasting)
2. trade finance automation
3. SWIFT enabled corporate to bank business interoperability
4. compliance with regulation
5. payment as a service to process the corporate treasuries and banks financial transactions in the European (multi-currency) space
6. fitted front and back office to handle the funds transfers of non banked individuals

We are proud that important speakers in the banking-financial community accepted our invitation to join the panel:

Radu Gratian Ghetea, President and CEO, CEC Bank S.A.
Rodica Tuchila, Senior Advisor, Arb Asociatia Romana A Bancilor
Ruud van der Horst, Independent Consultant
Corina Mihalache, Business Consultant Business Information Systems
Laurentiu Andrei, General Deputy Director Romanian Treasury – Ministry of Public Finance

Half the way of the Sibos week, which was so far rewarding, but also a bit tiring, we initiated an oasis of less formal networking, after Sibos closing hours, by hosting a dinner where we experienced a fusion of Dutch specialties and Romanian wine. We reunited, in a smart casual atmosphere, the Sibos delegates coming from Romania, business partners and customers.We still have one more Sibos day to go!


We have successfully passed the Technical and Functional Validation for the qPayIntegrator suite, within the SWIFT certification programme SWIFTReady Workers’ Remittances.

We are sharing our experience in implementing and marketing our SWIFT based Workers’ Remittances solution by having our CEO, Mr Sorin Guiman, join the panel in the “Workers’ remittances: Your global platform for person-to-person payments” brought to you by the community Sibos session, taking place Thursday 28 October, 11:00 – 12:30, Community 1, RAI, Amsterdam.

So there goes the second Sibos day, which was quite busy with business visits and participation in the event’s sessions; we have divided our team so that we can cover all the opportunities provided by this major event.

Before Sibos closing hours, we invited our stand neighbors, partners and the entire delegation coming from Romania, to join us in the celebration of Saint Dumitru, the protector of the house and family and, more importantly, the protector of Bucharest.

We had a glass of red wine (Feteasca Neagra – Black Maiden) brought all the way from Romania especially for this event and engaged in pleasant networking. Our guests could even toast with the “saint” within our delegation – Mr. Laurentiu Dumitru Andrei, representing the State

Treasury of the Romanian Ministry of Public Finance, our stand partner.

Here are some pictures from our Sibos wine reception:

By: Alina Enache