
2010 - Allevo

e-Finance, January 2010

Read the “SEPA, progress, challenges, opportunities”, organizer’sarticle covering The 3rd SEPA Conference, that includes our CEOvision on SEPA payments infrastructure implementation on theRomanian market.

IBS, January 2010

International Banking Systems/qPayIntegrator Suite
Payments Supplement/Q1 2010

e-Finance issue, March 2010

Best practices for Corporate to Bank space. How to improve andenlarge several business lines, using SWIFT & BIS solution forthis segment, an article by Mrs Cristina Cioroboiu, businessanalyst BIS, here attached.

BANK Watch, q2 2010

Following a good initiative, our specialists were invited byFINWATCH to express opinions related to some very actual financialmarket subjects in Market Watch’ supplement, Bank Watch. Mrs.Sorina Bera, Services Management Director BIS, started in March aseries of three articles on the collaboration between Banks -Corporates – Solutions&services provider, “Menage a trois”, theapproach is both business and technical. Please see attached theseries of the three articles.

Bank Watch, July 2010

Short notice by Mrs Sorina Bera, Services Management Director BISabout planning the 2011 two necessary SWIFT up-grades.