www.allevo.ro Newsletter 3 / 2017  
Turning Disruption into Harmony
Tired of hearing about banking disruption? It’s only together that we can maintain and grow value, through openness and constant innovation, and our experience, ideas and energies combined are meant to deliver better products for everyone:
Taking Microfinance to the Next Level
The big picture of microfinance is about loans, money transfers, insurance and, in some cases, deposits, just like in the "normal world". But all the differentiating details eventually create a very specific need, and that must be addressed accordingly.
Allevo can help microfinance institutions strive:
SWIFT Customer Security Programme
Cyberattacks are becoming more and more prominent and the funds transfer arena is one of the preferred targets of such threats.
Given the agility and evolution of these cyber threats, combating fraud on the long term is a challenge and a key prevention factor for the entire financial industry.

Discover our STRATEGY:

We have a deep customer intimate approach, while we aim to:
  • achieve gradual growth
  • remain independent
  • diversify customer and solution portfolio
  • nurture our team
  • recruit talent that fits & expands our capabilities

Most importantly, we listen to needs of the customer and respond with a customized offering.

Check out our insights from Money20/20:


 Day 1 - Collaboration

 Day 2 - Focus on UX

 Day 3 - Overview

 Final Thoughts

June Highlights

(in the Financial Industry)

Let's take a look at what June had to offer us in the banking and FinTech bubble:
June Highlights in the Financial Industry - read more

  • Cross-border cooperation in Fintech
  • The latest studies on:
    • Cybersecurity
    • Top Trends
    • Open Banking and APIs
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  www.allevo.ro www.fintp.org